Quedgeley WI

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April Meeting

by Quedgeley WI - April 25th, 2024.
Filed under: Uncategorized.

At our April meeting we were reminded of several things to look forward to in the coming months. A theatre visit in May, a fundraising Afternoon Tea at Quedgeley Village Hall on 22nd June and our August outing to Stratford-upon-Avon when we will enjoy a boat trip and cream tea. Unfortunately the two teams from Quedgeley WI who took part in the recent GFWI Quiz did not get through to the next round – the questions were rather challenging! Perhaps we will be more successful with our skittles team.

After hearing a talk by a Community Social Health Advisor in March our April meeting was very different. We saw the welcome return of Kate and Angela Peake with their talk Costumes of the Victorian Seaside. Angela explained how she first started to make faithful copies of the clothing that was worn during various eras and this time it was the Victorian era. This was followed by a short film that showed the rise in popularity of “healthy” swimming in the sea, mainly made possible by the arrival of the steam train which enabled people to have a day out at the seaside and which also resulted in the building of hotels to accommodate those people staying longer. We then saw Kate, who had arrived in costume, take off every part of an outfit that a Victorian lady would have worn for a visit to the beach and which would normally have been done in the confines of a bathing machine. Layer upon layer was removed until she got to the final undergarment but she then proceeded to put on several layers of clothing in order to maintain a woman’s modesty when bathing in the sea. Once again this was a very entertaining and informative talk.

May’s meeting will be a discussion of the Resolution “Dental Health Matters” followed by a Social Evening with a Quiz, wine and nibbles. If anyone would like to come along to this or any other meetings they will be made very welcome.

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