Meeting Reports
Our regular monthly meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm at Quedgeley Village Hall, Bristol Road, Quedgeley, Gloucester.
After our monthly meetings we submit a report for publication in the next issue of Quedgeley News. One of our members, Christine Bentley, is our News Reporter. To give you a flavour of our meetings we have included copies of some of this year's reports.
by Quedgeley WI - February 7th, 2025
It was a very cold evening for our first meeting of 2025 which was reflected in the fact that there were under 30 members who had ventured out. We heard that as our February meeting is to celebrate our 100th anniversary the refreshments will be provided be caterers and some members will be wearing clothes of the 1920’s. We will be having a box for donations to the Quedgeley Pantry every month as the one we had at Christmas had been well supported and appreciated. There are some interesting speakers to look forward to this year and subjects include the RNLI, Fraud Awareness and Volunteering at an Elephant Sanctuary.
Our first speaker of the year was Barry Faulkner who grew up in a family of career criminals but his mother was determined that he didn’t join them so his life went in an entirely different direction, going from script writing for the BBC to writing about crime, both fact as well as fiction with his DCS Palmer series of books. .He had plenty of tales to tell of the criminal gangs and the robberies and murders they carried out due to his research but also, as his family were involved in one of the crime gangs when he was a child, he had personal knowledge of some of the things they got up to. With gangs running brothels, gambling and strip clubs as well as violent murders and robberies there were bribes given for protection or information and many of the police were involved in this which was rife in those days but still goes on today according to Barry. He covered many well-known criminals including the Kray Twins, the Richardson gang and their robberies but told some amusing anecdotes as well. His series of books include UK Killers as well as Serial Killers both here and in the US and he brought a selection of them along with some DCS Palmer fiction for members to buy if they wanted to know more.
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